Making a change of a lifetime
Hope Nateete exists to raise support for the Master’s Kids School for children living in the Nateete district of Kampala the capital of Uganda. The Nateete district has a population of approximately 170,000 people, with many families housed in what could be described as ‘unplanned facilities’ with no running water, electricity or concrete floors. Annual income is among the lowest in Uganda and existence is very much hand to mouth.
In this community it is not uncommon to find families of six living in a single room and struggling to provide one meal a day. Many of these families are led by single mothers who have either been abandoned by their husbands who could no longer afford to meet the needs of the family or the father has to work away from the home so as to find employment and provide even the most basic needs for his family.
Mothers are often left to fend for the family and try to earn enough money to feed them by undertaking basic manual work. As a result of the poverty within the area many of the children do not attend school and as a result are trapped in the cycle of low qualifications leading to poorly paid manual labour.
Role of Hope Nateete Charity
A decision was taken to establish a UK based charity to support the Master’s Kids School and to help establish the school on a site with a legal title and enough land to expand as the need arose in the future. Hope Nateete was established with four UK based trustees and registered in the United Kingdom Charity Commission under charity number 1168064 on the 6thJuly 2016